Here at Camp Newman, we work together to build a community of acceptance, where we role model positive behaviors, and acknowledge that each and every member of the community is vital and important. We live by the value of b’tzelem Elohim, which reminds us that each of us are created in the image of God meaning that each person at camp has a specific set of needs, wants, feelings, hopes, and dreams.
Read stories from camp on our blog!
Honoring Parents and Camp Counselors
by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director This week’s Torah portion, Kedoshim in the book of Leviticus, teaches us about a variety of important...
Remembering the Holocaust
by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director Yesterday we commemorated Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. We remember the six million Jews and the...
Holding Hope and Sorrow, Together
by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director On the walls of many synagogues, on the faces of many arks, and adorning many pieces of Jewish artwork we...