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Our mission:

inspiring a love of judaism 365 days a year!

 Here at Camp Newman, we work together year-round to build a community of acceptance, where we role model positive behaviors, and acknowledge that each and every member of the community is vital and important. We live by the value of  b’tzelem Elohim, which reminds us that each of us are created in the image of God meaning that each person at camp has a specific set of needs, wants, feelings, hopes, and dreams. We accomplish this through three key offerings:

summer programs

From Camp Newman in Santa Rosa, CA, to social action corps nationwide, to educational trips to Israel, our summer programs empower children, teens and adults to better themselves, their communities, and the world.

year-round programs

 We offer meaningful Jewish experiences for all ages, all year, across the Southwest & West Coast. Inspired by the magic of camp, our programs create paths to meaningful, relevant connection to Judaism, Jewish community and Jewish values.

Rent our facility

Nestled in beautiful Napa Valley, the Koret Conference & Retreat Center is the perfect setting for your corporate, congregational or family retreat. Enjoy multiple indoor and outdoor spaces, acres of hiking trails, and more.

Our Philosophy of C.A.R.E.

Everything we do, every relationship we build is rooted in Jewish values, guided by our Philosophy of C.A.R.E.

Community Kehillah Kedoshah 
Everything we do at Camp Newman revolves around building a holy community

Acceptance V’ahavta L’reicha Kamocha
Love your neighbor as yourself. Lev. 19:18

Role-Modeling A’sei lecha rav
Make for yourself a teacher, acquire a friend. – Pirkei Avot 1:6

Each and Every One Betzelem Elohim
All humans are created in the Divine image. – Gen. 1:26

Why camp is so special to me…


Camp Newman is part of a proud lineage of Reform Jewish Camping on the West Coast. From our beginning as UAHC Camp Saratoga to UAHC Camp Swig and now URJ Camp Nemwan – camp is a special place to campers and alumni of all ages. Throughout our website, you hear about everything that we have to offer. However, there is no better way to learn about Camp Newman than hearing from the people that have experienced it first-hand. Watch these “Voices of Camp” from members of our camp community, and hear just a few reasons why camp is such a magical place.

Want to watch more of our videos? Visit our Vimeo site here.

Why Camp Works

Much has been written about the power and impact of Jewish summer camp. We invite you to read on!


CAMP WORKS: The Long-term Impact of Jewish Overnight Camp (2011)

The influence of summer camp on the ways in which adult Jews choose to engage with the community and the degree to which they associate with other Jews can be felt long after the last sunset of the summer. The impact is striking, especially when compared to their peers who did not spend their summer months at Jewish camp.

Camp attendance increases the likelihood of adult participation and identification in every one of these areas. As adults, campers are:

  • 30% more likely to donate to a Jewish charity;
  • 37% more likely to light Shabbat candles;
  • 45% more likely to attend synagogue monthly or more; and
  • 55% more likely to be very emotionally attached to Israel.

Generation of Change: How Leaders in their Twenties and Thirties are Reshaping American Jewish Life (Sept 2010)

By Jack Wertheimer

This study examines the identities and attitudes of today’s young cohort of leaders, and explains the effect of their childhood involvement in Jewish activities on their adult leadership behavior. A whopping 71 percent of young leaders surveyed attended Jewish summer camp, as the study explains: “The rates of participation by these leaders in Jewish summer camps, youth movements, Hillel, and other forms of Jewish education are extraordinarily high, suggesting that many of the young leaders were groomed rather than having bloomed on their own.” Clearly, the potential of raising leaders at Jewish camp is enormous, and we look forward to helping camps harness this potential.

How Goodly Are Thy Tents: Summer Camps as Jewish Socializing Experiences

By Amy L. Sales And Leonard Saxe

An entertaining ethnographic study of how Jewish summer camps foster Jewish sensibilities and education. Written for social scientists, educators, community professionals and lay leaders concerned with informal education, camping, children, ethnicity, and religion, this book will be of special interest to those interested in how culture and traditions are passed on to the next generation.

Read more about this book or order copies.