Here at Camp Newman, we work together to build a community of acceptance, where we role model positive behaviors, and acknowledge that each and every member of the community is vital and important. We live by the value of b’tzelem Elohim, which reminds us that each of us are created in the image of God meaning that each person at camp has a specific set of needs, wants, feelings, hopes, and dreams.
Read stories from camp on our blog!
Shabbat-o-gram: Choice through knowledge
by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director In my first year of rabbinical school in Jerusalem, I stood before my classmates and professors, wearing a...
The Little Ambassador
Our Torah portions recently and this week in the book of Exodus have been focused on the Mishkan, or the Tabernacle, the movable ark and the spot...
Alumni Spotlight: Diana F. Marcus
In the mid 1950's, I was a camper at Camp Saratoga, at a 10 day Leadership Institute as I was sent by my congregation, Temple EmanuEl, San...