Here at Camp Newman, we work together to build a community of acceptance, where we role model positive behaviors, and acknowledge that each and every member of the community is vital and important. We live by the value of b’tzelem Elohim, which reminds us that each of us are created in the image of God meaning that each person at camp has a specific set of needs, wants, feelings, hopes, and dreams.
Read stories from camp on our blog!
Why I Keep Coming Back
Around the Campfire #1 by Rabbi Mona Alfi, Congregation B'nai Israel - Sacramento One of the great perks of being a rabbi is that you get to keep...
We Love our Camp Faculty
When we talk about joyful Judaism, there is a group of essential folks who help create moments of inspiration, connection and reflection for our...
A Tale of 3 Mezuzot
by Mosh (the Rosh) Dollinger, Camp Alum and Advisory Board Member This is the transcript of the beautiful dedication of "Ruben's Living Room" - you...