Changing Camp Culture in a #metoo World

By: Julie Bressler, Education Director and Rabbinical Student at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles As the #metoo movement emerged last fall, I kept thinking – how will we talk about this at camp? How can we utilize the safe space of camp to teach campers about this...
Top 12 Photos of the Week!

Top 12 Photos of the Week!

By: Haley Rose, Camp Photographer What better way to show all the amazing things we have done this week than through photos! Here are our top 12 to show off our fun-filled week. Shabbat Shalom...
The Light Shines Through at Camp Newman

The Light Shines Through at Camp Newman

By Faculty Rabbi Larry Milder, Congregation Beth Emek Give campers ownership of their experience, and they become transformed. I arrived at Camp Newman for my two-week stint as a faculty member, working with 10th and 11th graders in their arts program, called Hagigah...
Speaking Our Minds Through Spray Paint

Speaking Our Minds Through Spray Paint

By: Faculty Artist Isaac & Faculty Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik   The week before camp started this summer, Twitter exploded with Bible quotes protesting the treatment of immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. So much of our Torah seems made for...