Praying Around the Court

by Rabbi Laura Novak Winer How do we develop kavannah, focus and intentionality in our prayers?  Practice, practice, practice… shooting hoops!  That was our t’filah (prayer) experience this morning. Consider what it takes to successfully make a basket. It takes focus,...

Find Your Pride

by Matt Gaskin When I was a kid I was told that I was different.  Many of my peers let me know that there was something “off” about me and that it was not okay.  I would get home from school almost every day and cry in my mom’s arms about how mean the kids at school...

Draw a Camper

by Rabbi Laura Novak Winer One of the things I love the most about serving on faculty at URJ Camp Newman each summer is the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of Jewish teens. Consider this task:  draw a picture of a 7th-8th grader. What does she or he look...

Session Spotlight: Shoshanim

On a hot summer day, like today, a trip to the pool is a perfect refresher.  Today’s session spotlight is our 5th and 6th graders, Shoshanim.  This group of campers show off all that is best about a trip to breicha.   As you can see, our campers really enjoy the...

A message of diversity

by Matt Gaskin Tonight at session songs, Noah from Avodah class of 2016 made the following heartfelt announcement: In past years at session songs, the Avodahniks have stood in two lines, boys in the back, girls in the front.  We will not be continuing this tradition....