The Glass Is More Than Half Full!

The Glass Is More Than Half Full!

By Rabbi Stephanie Kramer, Camp Faculty Rabbi Rabbi Kramer’s Congregation Shomrei Torah in Santa Rosa, CA, had over 30 congregants who lost their homes in the Tubbs wildfire. As I packed the trunk and buckled the kids in and set off for Camp Newman by the Bay, it...

I Heard God

By Rebekah Sherman, current counselor and long-time camper When we pray the Sh’ma, we say, Sh’ma Israel Adonai eloheinu Adonai echad. Listen, Israel! Adonai is our God. Adonai is one. On Friday night, when I said the Sh’ma, I listened. And I heard God— In the wind, in...

Has Camp Changed Since I Was a Camper?

By Rabbi Rebecca Gutterman of Congregation B’nai Tikvah, Walnut Creek, CA Like most URJ camps, Camp Newman invites rabbis to spend up to a week with them during their different summer sessions.  Guest rabbis teach, help with tefillah and electives, and generally are...

Meet Your Camper’s Unit Heads – Session 1A

We are excited to introduce you to… your camper’s unit heads! Also known as Rashim, these counselors will be your primary contacts in case you have any questions about your camper while they’re at camp. If you need to reach them, please call our main...

7 Ways to Get Your Camper Ready for Summer Camp

By Alaina Yoakum, URJ Camp Newman – plagiarized from Michele Ozer of URJ Greene Family Camp In these final weeks before camp begins, it’s time to enjoy the last few days of school and start thinking about preparing for summer. Whether you’re a...