First-hand Stories of the True Meaning of Camp

First-hand Stories of the True Meaning of Camp

For Josh Cohen, URJ Camp Newman has been his second home for nine years. As a CIT this past summer, Josh decided to create a podcast that shows how amazing and special camp is through his interviews with two staff members and one of his third-grade campers. The...

Israeli Soldier Helps Campers Form Bonds with Israel

By Roy Druker Note from URJ Camp Newman: Unfortunately, a proposal now threatens to end the J-1 Visa program that allows international staff like Roy to join us for the summer. To learn more and to take action, click here! I’m 22 years old and live in Bnei Zion, a...

How to Have an Endless Summer in Camp’s Utopia

By Ruben Arquilevich, Executive Director of URJ Camp Newman “I am my best at Camp” “My best friends are from Camp” “I love celebrating Judaism at Camp” “Camp is home” “I learn and grow so much at Camp” “Camp saved my life” “Why can’t camp be all year long?” “Why can’t...

What are you excited about for Shabbat?

By Alaina Yoakum, URJ Camp Newman Director of Marketing & Communications In just a few hours, something magical is going to happen at camp. Campers, counselors and staff will dress up in their very best whites and gather together – many campers for the first time...