By Alaina Yoakum, Director of Marketing and Ben Wong, Communications Coordinator



Camp is a place where acceptance is not just a part of our philosophy but a crucial part of our entire operation. This is why so many of us love camp. We all gather at this place from different walks of life, different parents, different schools, and are accepted. Accepted as Jews, yes, but more importantly accepted as people. Camp is a place where we can live freely and express our thoughts and ourselves.

The outside world is often not the same, and that’s why the positive and understanding culture of camp shines so bright sometimes. This morning, that outside world became a little more like camp. Heveinu Shalom Aleichem, America.

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court made clear that the Constitution both allows same sex couples to marry and requires all states to recognize all marriages performed in other states. It is a day many of us long prayed for, and were far from sure we would see.

Here is how our on-camp community reacted to the news: