The Indomitable Spirit of Camp Newman by the Bay

The Indomitable Spirit of Camp Newman by the Bay

By Faculty Rabbi Greg Wolfe of Congregation Bet Haverim in Davis, CA Last October when the fires roared through Northern California, and more specifically the Santa Rosa area, the flames incinerated the forested home of our beloved URJ Camp Newman; a spiritual place...
To Be a Mishlachat Is…

To Be a Mishlachat Is…

By Delaney Stock, Summer Camp Marketing Associate Year after year, 15+ Israeli’s come to Camp Newman to spend their summer engaging in a Jewish community across the globe. We call them our Mishlachat, our Israeli delegation. Although it may be a daunting task, their...
Camp Is Awesome!

Camp Is Awesome!

By Rabbi Morley T. Feinstein of University Synagogue Within three weeks following the devastating Santa Rosa fires last fall, and the destruction of Camp Newman, Summer 2018 was planned for an alternate site at California State University Maritime Academy: Camp Newman...
Hevrah Campers Ask “What Can We Do to Help?”

Hevrah Campers Ask “What Can We Do to Help?”

By Delaney Stock, Summer Camp Marketing Associate Since the 1970’s, our 10th and 11th grade Hevrah campers have stood for a statement of changing the world, every year shifting their focus towards a new theme. This year’s focus is on Economic Inequality, and...

Gratitudes & Transitions

Make for yourself a mentor, acquire for yourself a friend and judge every person as meritorious. – Pirkei Avot 1:6 We are grateful to work and partner with an amazing team of professionals. Please join us in welcoming our new Camp Directors and our new Development and...