Honoring Parents and Camp Counselors

Honoring Parents and Camp Counselors

by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director This week’s Torah portion, Kedoshim in the book of Leviticus, teaches us about a variety of important mitzvot. Right at the beginning is the commandment to honor one’s parents. Reading the Torah portion this week, I just kept...
Remembering the Holocaust

Remembering the Holocaust

by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director Yesterday we commemorated Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. We remember the six million Jews and the millions of lives cut short by the atrocities of the Holocaust. We also remember those who were not Jewish and risked...
Holding Hope and Sorrow, Together

Holding Hope and Sorrow, Together

by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director On the walls of many synagogues, on the faces of many arks, and adorning many pieces of Jewish artwork we read, “Tzedek, tzedek, tirdof…Justice, justice, you shall pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:20). This verse of...
Shabbat-o-gram: Choice through knowledge

Shabbat-o-gram: Choice through knowledge

by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director In my first year of rabbinical school in Jerusalem, I stood before my classmates and professors, wearing a large tallit and tefillin, and stated in a loud clear voice, “I love bacon.” I created a bit of a stir while...
The Little Ambassador

The Little Ambassador

Our Torah portions recently and this week in the book of Exodus have been focused on the Mishkan, or the Tabernacle, the movable ark and the spot that was known as God’s dwelling place on earth. It seems so fitting that just this past week we welcomed home to Porter...
Alumni Spotlight: Diana F. Marcus

Alumni Spotlight: Diana F. Marcus

In the mid 1950’s, I was a camper at Camp Saratoga, at a 10 day Leadership Institute as I was sent by my congregation, Temple EmanuEl, San Bernardino, CA.  Eventually renamed Camp Swig, the Camp was also attended by my three children, Deborah, David and Anne...