Introducing… your head counselors!
Giborim (3rd & 4th graders) – Emma and Rebekah
Where do you go to school and/or work?
Emma – Brandeis University; Rebekah – University of Puget Sound
What are you most excited about for this summer?
Emma – I am so excited to be back in the place that I love! I grew up at Camp Newman and was on staff for two summers, and last summer I did something different and found myself missing camp more than ever. I am so excited to create magic for these kids and further a love of Jewish camping.
If you had any superpower, what would it be and why? Rebekah – I would love to be able to fly!
Chayim (5th & 6th graders) – Leah, Rachel and Daniel
Where do you go to school and/or work?
Rachel – Graduated from University of Arizona; Daniel – Hebrew Union College
What are the three words that describe you best? Daniel – Caring, Shmoozer, Persistent
Did you go to summer camp as a kid? Rachel – I attended URJ Henry S. Jacobs camp in Utica, Mississippi for basically my entire childhood. Before attending this camp I did not realize that Jewish people existed outside of my small town in Jackson, Tennessee. Growing up, I thought that the television show Rugrats was based on my family because they were also Jewish.
Leah – I went to camp at URJ Camp George near Toronto. My favorite part of camp growing up was the days spent on canoe trips every summer.
Kallah (7th & 8th graders) – Leila & Liora
Where do you go to school and/or work?
Leila – Irvine Valley College; Liora –Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
What are you most excited about for this summer?
Leila – I’m really looking forward to creating special bonds with each and every one of my campers and counselors.
Liora – Yes! I attended Camp Newman. I especially remember the Harry Potter themed shtick during my CIT 2009 summer. The entire CIT class would come together each week to prep the shtick. I would usually create the posters for the settings in the backgrounds of the shtick. We did our best to create a realistic and hilarious shtick that the entire camp community could enjoy!
Alufim (9th & 10th graders) – Jory
Where do you go to school and/or work? Temple Isaiah – I’m the youth director.
If you had any superpower, what would it be and why? Flight to be able to slam dunk!
Did you go to summer camp as a kid?
Yes, here! I come from a long line of campers. My dad, Rabbi Jory Gwasdoff, and my mom, Lindy Passer (who is a cantorial soloist), were both campers at Camp Swig.