Opening day of Summer 2021 is 100 days out but, in truth, we have been waiting YEARS to start this countdown. Between now and then our incredible staff will begin to arrive and set up for the summer of your lives. We asked our staff what they were excited for and here are the 100 things they said.
- To teach new campers all of the Israeli dances
- For the frisbee game and to be scorekeeper
- For the campers to experience everything I love about camp
- To hike to the star with my campers
- To hear the Lai Lais from our CITs on Friday nights
- To camp under the stars
- To sing with our wonderful songleaders
- To watch even more campers fall in love with Porter Creek
- To hear everyone’s voices singing together again
- T’Filah at beautiful porter creek
- To rekindle my relationship with the community
- Acting as a mentor for my campers, but also being able to learn equally as much from them
- Yelling silly things off the the top of the Star
- Having my wrists covered in friendship bracelets by the time August rolls around
- Dancing in the Chadar Ochel (dining hall)
- Getting the most iconic teva tan
- Writing session songs
- Playing music at camp
- Hiking the camp trails
- Seeing camp magic again
- Being with my best friends
- Seeing my campers experience things for the first time
- It’s its
- Chaco Tans
- Tie Dye
- Friendship Bracelets
- Best friends new and old
- Song Session
- Israeli Dancing
- Costumes
- Seeing campers grow up
- Trying new things
- Laughing so hard it hurts
- Seeing the stars at night
- I am excited to live in a tent
- Excited to lose my voice at shira
- Stacking Rocks at the Creek
- Teaching my campers
- Getting my fingers stained purple from blackberries
- Sunrise hikes to the star
- Getting asked if my knot still looks like a challah
- Teaching my campers new card games
- Trust walks
- The zipline
- Mifkad Boker
- To see my best friend
- To be my true self
- To play in the frisbee game
- Siyum
- To listen and meditate near the creek
- Reconnect with old friends and make new ones
- Tater tots
- We got ruach yes we do!vWe got ruach how about you?
- The waterslide
- Singing campfire songs
- Inventive t’filot
- Pita S’mores and S’morittos
- Yelling I love being Jewish with my campers from the top of the star.
- The key change in V’shamru
- Helping my campers grow and thrive
- Stargazing
- Lazy afternoons interrupted by surprise snacks in the chadar ochel
- Siyum (closing circle) in the Pool
- Trying to find yellow on Yom Sport
- Living in and creating an unapologetically Jewish space
- Exploring the creek
- Ruach on ruach on ruach on ruach
- Sha(and I cannot emphasize this enough) bbat
- Early morning wake ups made bearable by friends and food
- Morning mist
- Leaving something behind for future campers
- Hammock Hangouts
- Seeing my life come full circle
- To come home again
- Carry on the special traditions of porter creek and camp in general to a new generation of campers
- To play frisbee on the upper field
- Squinting from the sun during services in the Beit T’filah on Shabbat
- Make new buildings special by having incredible memories inside them
- CIT Shtick
- That moment when you finally understand what song a session song is based off
- Being my authentic self
- Wake up playlists
- Arguments surrounding who has to get a new pitcher of “lemonade”
- Cabin names and countdowns
- Yom CIT
- Signs made out of Butcher Paper
- When campers see the magic that camp creates
- When Avodah and CIT get to take a peek behind the curtains
- Intersession water fights
- Stories like the ruby, spoons for hands, and kugelfresser
- Pizza Bagels
- Procession
- No lanyard tans
- The swim test
- When campers start hoarding snacks for no reason
- Remaking trails that need some love
- Seeing a camper conquer the tower for the first time
- Making art that will last much longer than the 10 weeks of the summer
- Returning Home
- Seeing all of you!