By: Haley Rose, Camp Photographer
What better way to show all the amazing things we have done this week than through photos! Here are our top 12 to show off our fun-filled week. Shabbat Shalom everyone!
Nothing but smiling faces when you hop off the bus!
Machon bonding over a game of cards during arrival!
Mechina loved the fourth of July games Avodah set up for junior camp!
We love the fourth of July spirit from Shomrim!
Chalutzim boys enjoying games and sports chugim on the upper field!
Gesher showing off their crab walking skills during a relay race!
Mechina having a blast while being safe at the pool!
Machon shows us the wisdom bear gives great piggyback rides during their photo scavenger hunt!
Hagigah created social justice art through spray paint!
We take game day very seriously. Are you cheering for staff or CIT?