10 Best Photos of the Week!
By: Haley Rose, Marketing Assistant What better way to show all the amazing things we have done this week than through photos! Here are our top 10 pics to show off our fun-filled week. Shabbat Shalom everyone! [gallery columns="2" link="file" size="medium"...
Living Judaism at Camp Through An Educator-Rabbi’s Eyes
By Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer, RJE When I’m at camp, I feel old. In the camp universe I may even be considered ancient, having served on faculty long before some of the oldest staff were campers. Yet each summer I return because I love to contribute to and be part of...
$23.5M to Help Rebuild 3 Camps Devastated by Fires
We are thrilled to share some news! URJ Camp Newman will be one of the three California Jewish camps destroyed by wildfires to receive a portion of $23.5M in state funds to help with our rebuilding efforts. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the one-time allocation of $23.5...
8 Challenges that Help Campers Grow
By: Haley Rose, Marketing Assistant When campers arrive at Camp Newman, they get the chance to take on new challenges that help them grow. From facing a fear of heights to trying new foods, our campers conquer them all. They come home more confident, self-reliant and...
“Thanks Mom & Dad for Sending Me to Camp”
I do not think I could ever thank my parents enough for shipping me off to Jewish summer camp nine summers ago. As my fourth grade self rode the bus through the gates of URJ Camp Newman, I had no idea how impactful that place would be on my life. Spending my summers on Porter Creek Road were crazy, fun-filled adventures. But, as I returned home at the end of each summer, I always felt a sense of maturity and growth. At camp, living in a cabin with fifteen other girls can be challenging at times, but after learning the importance of good communication, kindness and respect, it seemed as though many of those difficulties disappeared.
Your Camp Unpacking List
After two or four weeks at camp, I’m sure your camper has countless camp moments they can share – but will they? If your child is anything like my introverted daughter after she returned home from camp, getting her beyond the “it was great” response was a always a huge challenge. So here are some easy prompts to get your camper chatting and sharing the details.
12 Best Photos of the Week!
By: Haley Rose, Marketing Assistant What better way to show all the amazing things we have done this week than through photos! Here are our top 12 pics to show off our fun-filled week. Shabbat Shalom everyone! [gallery columns="2" link="file" size="medium"...
Wherever We Are, We’re Home
We started the morning with a hug circle, taking in the changed landscape and singing Esa Einai — we lifted our eyes to the familiar mountains of Santa Rosa, where our star still sits; that is where we find our faith - in our community continuing to come together to...
Welcome Rachel!
We are thrilled to share wonderful news! Rachel Dubowe, an alumna of URJ Camp Newman, URJ Kutz Camp, and NFTY SOCAL, will be joining our full-time team on Aug 1, 2019, as URJ California Camps Assistant Director and NFTY SOCAL Regional Advisor. Rachel will create...
From Camper to Staff
By Haley Rose, Summer Marketing Assistant As staff week comes to a close and the campers arrived, we wanted to know about the transition from camper to counselor. Many of our staff had been campers for many wonderful years before getting to reverse those roles. We...