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Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Update

Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Update

At Camp Newman, we believe every human is created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God.  With that, we are excited to expand our recognition and celebration of the many forms of diversity within the Jewish community and our camp community. Just as we celebrate our...

The Space is Just Details

The Space is Just Details

I could see how much more loving Camp is now. Alumni Shabbat coincided with Pride Shabbat, and never had I heard campers, staff, and leadership so committed to inclusion. It was heartwarming to discover that this strange land was simply the more developed and more thoughtful version of the place I knew for years.

Back Home, Again

Back Home, Again

Like many of our campers, I counted down the months and days until I got to drive through the gates of camp and hear the words of “Heiveinu Shalom Aleichem” once again. My role at camp as education faculty is very different than as a summer director (I definitely don’t miss the constant calls on the walkie talkie and appreciate that I get to eat meals without 50 questions coming at me!), yet all the positive feelings are the same.

Why I Keep Coming Back

Why I Keep Coming Back

Around the Campfire #1 by Rabbi Mona Alfi, Congregation B'nai Israel - Sacramento One of the great perks of being a rabbi is that you get to keep going to camp as a “grown up.” There is something magical about camp that is different than any other Jewish space. It’s...

We Love our Camp Faculty

We Love our Camp Faculty

When we talk about joyful Judaism, there is a group of essential folks who help create moments of inspiration, connection and reflection for our campers and staff. They put the “LOVE” in “I love being Jewish”. They are self-proclaimed “camp people” many of whom have...

A Tale of 3 Mezuzot

A Tale of 3 Mezuzot

Today, Ruben, your living room returns, in fine fashion. OK, in much better fashion than the one left behind. Even as we know that camp is more about the community we create than the buildings we inhabit, buildings still matter.

Bonim Builds Leaders

Bonim Builds Leaders

At Camp Newman, every camper from our youngest in Camp Katan to our CITs, is surrounded by passionate, inspiring and FUN Jewish role models and leaders. Our directors and supervisors make it a point to be out and about during the day at camp, getting to know our...

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

Shabbat-o-Gram by Rabbi Allie Fischman, Camp Director The weeks and days leading up to Opening Day felt like the longest game of “hurry up and wait” … our staff spent time learning, preparing, and building community, our logistics and maintenance team made sure our...

Caring for Your Camper at Camp

Caring for Your Camper at Camp

Nefesh (Camper Care) Our Nefesh team (Hebrew for soul), or Camp Care Team, is composed of mental health professionals, social workers, therapists, school counselors and generally caring adults who have dedicated their time and energy to figure out how camp can be a...

Communicating with Camp & Your Camper

Communicating with Camp & Your Camper

Throughout the summer our team will share photos, videos, blog posts and emails with you to give you a window into the camp experience! Read more about how camp will share with you and how you can stay in touch with your camper.  Photos, Video & Social Media 1x...