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Find Your Pride

A Pride Parade is important because we need to stand up for all those who can’t stand for themselves or who never could. The Avodah class, danced and sang their hearts out. They decorated their truck, their signs, and themselves in Pride slogans, rainbows, and positive messages of love. The 52 rising high school juniors touched the hearts and hands of the crowd with their pride in themselves and their solidarity with the community. I was honored and moved to stand and march with the amazing Avodah class as together we waved our flags and raised our voices and sang out loud that no matter who we are we deserve love!

Draw a Camper

Rabbi Laura Novak Winer writes about a positive interaction with members of the CIT class of 2016. When given a task, the CITs went above and beyond expectations, keeping in mind that there is no “perfect” camper. We are all special and unique.

Session Spotlight: Shoshanim

Every few days, here on the Newman Blog, we are planning to highlight a different session/eidah and what they’re up to today.

A message of diversity

by Matt Gaskin Tonight at session songs, Noah from Avodah class of 2016 made the following heartfelt announcement: In past years at session songs, the Avodahniks have stood in two lines, boys in the back, girls in the front.  We will not be continuing this tradition....

A staff backpack is a status symbol

Two weeks ago my youngest daughter became a bat mitzvah. A week later my oldest daughter was confirmed, and then this week she took a different type of step toward Jewish adulthood: she became a CIT and received her staff backpack at URJ Camp Newman.

Camp Chat!

by Matt Gaskin Every week I will be getting the word on the street amongst our camp community on a variety of topics and questions.  I have named this feature “Camp Chat!” This week, I traveled around camp with my camera and white board and asked campers, counselors,...

Session Spotlight: Bonim

Every few days, here on the Newman Blog, we are planning to highlight a different session/eidah and what they’re up to today. Today we are showcasing our youngest campers, Bonim.

A Very Shomrim Bar Mitzvah

[featured-video-plus] By Malcolm McElheney Today, Shomrim (6th and 7th graders) celebrated a "bar mitzvah" for their counselor, Sam.  They danced, sang, and played games as a community.  This celebration was all part of their lesson on "simcha", the Jewish value of...

A word about Pride

Written by Ruben Arquilevich Our Avodahnicks (rising 11th grade service and leadership camp), along with their staff and faculty, are spending Sunday marching in the San Francisco Pride Parade. They will represent a legacy of Camp Newman Avodahnicks, joining our...

Opening Day!

Opening day at camp is always a special day.  Check out our video and get a glimpse of what makes the first day so special. Click here to check out our Vimeo page.