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How Are Camp & NFTY Home to You?

By Ruben Arquilevich, VP of Camps, NFTY and Immersives for Union for Reform Judaism During my recent travels to various camps in my new role working with URJ camps, NFTY, and year-round retreats in North America, I was very moved by the ruach, or spirit, of...

Reviving an Avodah Tradition on the Path to the Star

Reviving an Avodah Tradition on the Path to the Star

This year’s Avodahniks revived a longtime camp tradition – and made their mark on Porter Creek – when they dreamed up the idea for a series of murals based on the Exodus to line the trail to the Star.

Lost & Found After 7 Summers

Lost & Found After 7 Summers

Follow the path of a a little boy and a Frisbee. Seven years ago, a camper lost something precious to him while playing Frisbee golf. Fast forward to today. Songleader Arie describes how often in life, things that are important to us find their ways back into our lives.

Returning to Our Shelter of Peace

Rabbi Young of B’nai Tzedek reflects on a beautiful day at Porter Creek, where he found bright green shoots defying the blackened stumps on the hills, reminding the world that Camp Newman will be back in this space again.

Mourning in Community at Camp

By Zoe Steiner, CIT (Counselor in Training) It's not something we like to talk about. Even when we try, the words catch in our throats and often don't find their way out. It creeps up on us when we least expect it, dark and looming over our shoulders. We try to start...

10 Best Photos of the Week!

10 Best Photos of the Week!

By: Haley Rose, Marketing Assistant What better way to show all the amazing things we have done this week than through photos! Here are our top 10 pics to show off our fun-filled week. Shabbat Shalom everyone! [gallery columns="2" link="file" size="medium"...

Mission Possible: Mitzvot

By: Haley Rose, Marketing Assistant Our youngest campers have a daily "Mitvah Mission" program. During these programs they learn about the Jewish rituals and traditions we do every day and every week at camp. Those are, exploring tikkun olam (reparing the world),...

What Will You Take Home From Camp?

During Shabbat morning, our session 1B Junior Camp kids took part in a t'fillah where they were asked, "What will you take home from camp?" Their answers were sweet, thoughtful, and funny. And they also showed how camp...

Meet Your Head Counselors!

We are excited to introduce you to... your camper's head counselor! Also known as a Rosh (or Rashim plural), this counselor(s) will be your primary point of contact if you have a question about your camper. To reach your rosh: call and leave a message with our office...

Mensches in the Making

By Alaina Yoakum, Director of Marketing & Communications Every day I make it a point to walk around camp, and each time, I see something that makes me stop in my tracks and say "wow." Our staff are wizards at making magic out of the mundane, turning simple acts...