Sunday Fun-Day for individuals with disabilities and their families
Sunday, March 2, 2025
12:00 – 4:00pm
URJ Camp Newman – Santa Rosa
Join Camp Newman and Camp Tawonga for a Sunday family Fun-Day in Santa Rosa at URJ Camp Newman!
This free event is for those in our community with disabilities and their siblings and adults who love them. We will have plenty of sensory-friendly and accessible camp activities for all including tie dye, s’mores, music, archery, parent discussions, PJ Library Story Corner and art! Families will also be able to explore Camp Newman’s ropes course, hiking trails and gorgeous campus. Lunch will be available for purchase or feel to free to bring your own picnic lunch.
Join special guest Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe
for conversations and connections between parents
Rabbi Rebecca L. Dubowe was ordained by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and is the rabbi for Moses Montefiore Congregation in Bloomington, IL. She serves as the co-chair of the Faith and Outreach committee associated with the Not In Our Town organization, a grassroots movement focused on stopping hate, addressing bullying, and building safe, inclusive communities for all. Rabbi Dubowe also offers her time to the greater Jewish Deaf Community, including teaching the first-ever Introduction to Judaism in ASL in partnership with the Union of Reform Judaism. In addition, Rabbi Dubowe teaches various classes in partnership with Melton School for Adult Jewish Learning in ASL for a core group of dedicated students who wish to continue intensive Jewish learning. This community has a special place in Rabbi Dubowe’s life as she is the first female Deaf rabbi ordained in the world. Rabbi Dubowe has spoken at numerous synagogues throughout the country, written various articles, and led webinars on the importance of inclusion within the Jewish community.

Questions? Contact Rachel Dubowe at