Parent Resources, Reflections & Prayers for Healing

Parent Resources, Reflections & Prayers for Healing

Thank you to the many people, Jewish institutions and professionals who have stepped forward to offer ways to pray and heal during this time. The following is a list of resources that we will continue to add to:   Resources for Parents How to Share Your Favorite...
Our Camp, Our Faith & Our Tradition Endures

Our Camp, Our Faith & Our Tradition Endures

A press photographer was given special access onto Camp Newman yesterday – before our team was able to get on site – and took new photos that some of you shared on social media. While the devastation is startling, we immediately noticed one thing when we zoomed in on...
Camp Community Gatherings

Camp Community Gatherings

Starting tonight, October 11th, many of our beloved congregations are planning gatherings for our camp community to sing, pray and reflect, and to provide comfort and hope. We encourage you to reach out to your synagogue to see if they have an event planned. Here is a...
A Welcome Tradition

A Welcome Tradition

By Rabbi Erin Mason, URJ Camp Newman Camp Director Shabbat shalom & Chag Sameach! This week, we began the holiday of Sukkot, the festival of booths. We set up temporary dwellings, closed on three sides with a roof that is open enough for us to see the stars. We...

Have We Been Our Best Selves?

By Rabbi Erin Mason, URJ Camp Newman Camp Director Shabbat shalom, and Shana Tovah! Today marks the end of the Days of Awe, the 10 days between Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar). During...