Lost & Found After 7 Summers

Lost & Found After 7 Summers

By Arie Finkelstein, Rosh Shira (Music) and Camp Newman alumnus I’d like to tell you a short story of a child at camp. Seven summers ago, URJ Camp Newman looked different than it does now. But not that different really. On arrival day, the camper was greeted by people...

Returning to Our Shelter of Peace

By Rabbi David N. Young, Congregation B’nai Tzedek of Fountain Valley, CA As my car wound its way down the last few miles of Porter Creek Road, I was astounded by how green it was. I expected regrowth after such a wet year, but I did not expect huge, green, lush...

Mourning in Community at Camp

By Zoe Steiner, CIT (Counselor in Training) It’s not something we like to talk about. Even when we try, the words catch in our throats and often don’t find their way out. It creeps up on us when we least expect it, dark and looming over our shoulders. We...
10 Best Photos of the Week!

10 Best Photos of the Week!

By: Haley Rose, Marketing Assistant What better way to show all the amazing things we have done this week than through photos! Here are our top 10 pics to show off our fun-filled week. Shabbat Shalom...

Mission Possible: Mitzvot

By: Haley Rose, Marketing Assistant Our youngest campers have a daily “Mitvah Mission” program. During these programs they learn about the Jewish rituals and traditions we do every day and every week at camp. Those are, exploring tikkun olam (reparing the...

What Will You Take Home From Camp?

During Shabbat morning, our session 1B Junior Camp kids took part in a t’fillah where they were asked, “What will you take home from camp?” Their answers were sweet, thoughtful, and funny. And they also showed how camp is the place where they...