What the Camp Photos Don’t Show You

By Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik, URJ Camp Newman Faculty and Rabbi at Temple Ahavat Shalom   For the past two weeks I have been part of the faculty at URJ Camp Newman, which affords me a unique perspective: I get to see what happens at camp as both a rabbi and...

Mosaic-Making: A Microcosm of the Camp Experience

By By Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik: Nice Jewish Artist, URJ Camp Newman Hagigah Artist This summer at URJ Camp Newman was my eleventh in a row as an artist with Hagigah, the arts track for 10th and 11th graders. As usual, I spent a few hours a day for two weeks cutting...

Bonim’s Super Powered Week of Self Discovery

By Shani Haquin, Photographer/Marketing Assistant, and Alaina Yoakum, Director of Marketing & Communications Look! Up in the Beit Am. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Bonim! Between meeting the Jewish Tzedek League, to learning Israeli dances, to pool time, our...

Now Introducing…your 1B Head Counselors!

We are thrilled to introduce you to… your head counselors! Also known as Rashim, these counselors will be your primary contacts in case you have any questions about your camper while they’re at camp. If you need to reach them, please call our main camp...

Secret Missions, Team Building & an Enchanted Forest

By Alaina Yoakum, Marketing & Communications Director Here at URJ Camp Newman, we have two hot commodities: a sweeping view of the night sky and 500 acres of land to explore and hike. Each session gets to fully indulge in each of these during a special overnight...