Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Update

Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Update

At Camp Newman, we believe every human is created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God.  With that, we are excited to expand our recognition and celebration of the many forms of diversity within the Jewish community and our camp community. Just as we celebrate our...
The Space is Just Details

The Space is Just Details

by Malcolm McElheney, CIT ’10, CIT Advisor ’13 While driving up the road to Camp to visit for this past weekend’s Alumni Shabbat, I felt a twinge of nervousness- something I had not felt going up that road since I was a first time camper twenty years ago....
Back Home, Again

Back Home, Again

Around the Campfire #2 In this installment of Around the Campfire, we hear from Rabbi Julie Bressler, camp and staff alumna, and currently a Rabbi at Temple Sinai – Oakland: While I attended URJ Camp Newman and Camp Swig as a young child and teen, my most...
Why I Keep Coming Back

Why I Keep Coming Back

Around the Campfire #1 by Rabbi Mona Alfi, Congregation B’nai Israel – Sacramento One of the great perks of being a rabbi is that you get to keep going to camp as a “grown up.” There is something magical about camp that is different than any other Jewish...
We Love our Camp Faculty

We Love our Camp Faculty

When we talk about joyful Judaism, there is a group of essential folks who help create moments of inspiration, connection and reflection for our campers and staff. They put the “LOVE” in “I love being Jewish”. They are self-proclaimed “camp people” many of whom have...
A Tale of 3 Mezuzot

A Tale of 3 Mezuzot

by Mosh (the Rosh) Dollinger, Camp Alum and Advisory Board Member This is the transcript of the beautiful dedication of “Ruben’s Living Room” – you can watch the recording below! Mezuzot.  They just come and go. And sometimes, they come back....