Hevrah Campers Ask “What Can We Do to Help?”
Since the 1970’s, our 10th and 11th grade Hevrah campers have stood for a statement of changing the world, every year shifting their focus towards a new theme. This year’s focus is on Economic Inequality, and teens have spent the last several weeks learning about the repercussions of poverty and how drastically it can impact lives.
Gratitudes & Transitions
We are grateful to work and partner with an amazing team of professionals. Please join us in welcoming our new Camp Directors, Beto and Christine, and our new Development and Logistics Associate, Martee!
5 Best Views from Camp
At Newman by the Bay we have been blessed with so many amazing views. Here are five of our favorites!
The Sights & Sounds of Camp
The sights and sounds of Camp Newman are unmistakable. All around, camp is in full swing and chanichim (campers) spend their days seeking fun, playing at the breicha (pool), waiting in a long line for ketchup in the chadar ochel (dining hall), exploring the world around us in teva (nature), learning Israeli dances in preparation for Shabbat, and much, much more.
Dear 4088 Porter Creek Road
A poem to our community by a Hagigah camper. And a letter to Porter Creek by a faculty member & longtime alumna. Both reflecting on camp yesterday and today – and finding that the things they used to complain about are now what they miss the most.
Top 12 Photos of the Week!
Changing Camp Culture in a #metoo World
As the #metoo movement emerged last fall, I kept thinking – how will we talk about this at camp? How can we utilize the safe space of camp to teach campers about this unfortunate reality of our world? Camp is a place where people feel safe and accepted, yet, like anywhere, this cultural reality creeps in and influences our behavior here as well.
Top 12 Photos of the Week!
What better way to show all the amazing things we have done this week than through photos! Here are our top 12 to show off our fun-filled week. Shabbat Shalom everyone!
All Hands on Deck – Fingerprint Mosaics at Camp Newman
This summer at Camp Newman Isaac and I were asked by Rabbi Allie Fischman to help create some new tallitot (prayer shawls) to be used when the counselors bless their campers on Friday nights. We were tasked with finding a way for each eidah (session) to work together to create a single tallit, at the same time giving each camper and counselor a chance to contribute in a personal way.
The Light Shines Through at Camp Newman
By Faculty Rabbi Larry Milder, Congregation Beth Emek Give campers ownership of their experience, and they become transformed. I arrived at Camp Newman for my two-week stint as a faculty member, working with 10th and 11th graders in their arts program, called Hagigah...