The Power of a Frisbee
By Ben Wong, Communications Coordinator Camp days go by with remarkable consistency. There is art created, hills walked, and laughter heard every 24 hours. Not a day goes by without prayer, pool, or programming, and each has its own value. This is my 8th summer...
Guest Post: KAQ (Kids Asking Questions) – An Antidote to Pew Study
URJ Camp Newman's KAQ (Kids Asking Questions) Are the Antidote to the Pew Study's JNR (Jewish No Religion) By Rabbi Paul Kipnes, URJ Camp Newman Rabbinic Dean Invite 6th and 7th graders to get real about God and spirituality, and the depth of their questions...
Finding Four Jewish Homes After Loss
By Sareta Gladson, URJ Camp Newman Avodah camper The following is the confirmation talk given by Sareta. We were so touched by her comments and how Camp Newman changed her life, that we wanted to share it with you - our community. When I was nine I became...
CampChat: What do you think of the Supreme Court decision on marriage equality?
By Alaina Yoakum, Director of Marketing and Ben Wong, Communications Coordinator Camp is a place where acceptance is not just a part of our philosophy but a crucial part of our entire operation. This is why so many of us love camp. We all gather at this place...
Rishonim: Repairing Our World, One Trail at a Time
By Rosie Elysa Gurman, URJ Camp Newman Counselor Walking around camp on an average day, one can see campers playing sports, doing arts and crafts, talking, laughing, and busy in other programs. But what about Rishonim? What do they do? With 88 kids going into 8th and...
My Favorite Thing About Camp…
Have you ever entered the promised land?
Sh'lach L'cha, Numbers 13:1-15:41 Shabbat, June 13, 2015 / 26 Sivan, 5775 Ruben Arquilevich, Executive Director, URJ Camp Newman Did you know the Israelites were fearful of "giant" inhabitants upon entering the Promised Land? Two weeks ago, our incoming staffers too...
Session Songs 2015
Session Songs Every week, our camp comes together to sing as a session songs created by that Eidah's song leader, followed by their session cheer. June 20, 2015
CampChat: What are you excited about for Shabbat?
By Alaina Yoakum, URJ Camp Newman Director of Marketing & Communications In just a few hours, something magical is going to happen at camp. Campers, counselors and staff will dress up in their best whites and gather together – many campers for the first time – for...
Meet Our CITeam!
And Now Introducing… ...your CITeam for 2015: Ben (Director), Rachel K, Sara, Rachel F, Spencer, Lizzie, and Jonathan (Advisors)